Just A Youngin From Cumberland: Ty Johnson

If you didn’t know any better, you might think Ty Johnson is the mayor of Cumberland, Maryland. There's not a single place in the city where someone doesn't recognize him. Despite being so well known, Ty remains down-to-earth, acting like the normal guy he is. In Cumberland, he’s not seen as an untouchable celebrity but as a friend everyone respects and admires.
No matter which team Ty is playing for, the entire city rallies behind him. Whether it's the Lions, Jets, or Bills, I’ve seen jerseys representing Ty throughout Cumberland over the past five years. His decision to host a football camp in his hometown was a no-brainer, because he understands how much the kids look up to him. When they meet Ty, the look in their eyes reflects a realization that their dreams are achievable—Ty is from their town, grew up in a single-parent household, and made it to the NFL.
Every local business in Cumberland eagerly donates to or sponsors Ty's annual camp. Veii Apparel, the brand I founded, has been a proud sponsor from the beginning. Ty has been my biggest supporter since Veii was just and idea in 2018, and it was an easy decision to support and help organize his camp every year.
Seeing the same kids return each year with even more excitement is incredibly rewarding. They compete against their peers from across the city and spend an unforgettable afternoon with Ty. For Ty, being the difference means giving back to the community that shaped him into the person he is today.
By supporting Ty Johnson and his efforts to inspire Cumberland’s youth, Veii Apparel is proud to contribute to a brighter future for the next generation.
